Millennial candidates are an extremely valuable demographic in the workplace. They are known for their entrepreneurial mindsets, keen interest in gaining new skills, and technical abilities. Finding quality candidates, however, can be tricky when there is so much variety and competition out there, and their values and interests in what they look for in a job has shifted from the previous generation. Younger candidates will spend a far shorter period in jobs than ever before. To attracted quality young candidates and retain them, follow some of our top tips:

1. Offer great opportunities for growth

High inflation rates and the cost-of-living crisis means young candidates need good financial stability and long-term promise in any job they take. Financial motivation is only part of their motivation, however, as room for growth and opportunity is the top motivation for choosing a new position for candidates. In most cases, around 90% of millennial professionals name career progression as a top priority. So be sure to ask them how they want to develop and in what areas during the interview process and beyond and provide examples of exactly how you can aid them in that pursuit.

2. Be flexible

The workplace is changing and adapting to modern standards, and millennial and gen z candidates expect you to keep up with the times. A good and clear work-life balance is a top priority for them and a big factor of what attracts them to a company. A hybrid work environment is a very attractive perk as it provides more time for them to spend with family and friends and reduces commuting expenses.

3. Provide continuous feedback

It’s proven that younger employees are more satisfied in the workplace when they receive accurate and useful feedback from their managers. Relay your feedback process and who will be the one to provide this support to them during the interview. It’s not only a matter of reassurance, as this also provides them the ability to perform the best in their roles.

4. Provide mental wellness support

Millennials are often referred to as the anxious generation, and the pandemic only exacerbated the issue. Anxiety and depression lead to burnout, absences and even candidates quitting. Mental health isn’t a one-size fix all problem, and the best way to tackle it is to ensure your employees are happy and content in the workplace and feel there is open communication on the topic and non-judgmental support. Stay on top of things life high workloads and clashing personalities. Provide plenty of mental-health resources and training, such as employee assistance programs. Don’t wait for an employee to come to you, make it clear from the first interview that this is an important issue for your company.

5. Promote your company ethics

Millennials are a socially conscious generation, and the ethos and purpose of the company they work for matters to them. They are far more likely to stay at a company whose morals align with theirs. Promote to them the ways in which your company excels in diversity, inclusivity, environmental efforts, and income equality. If these standards aren’t currently high, be upfront about it and invite them to suggest improvements and new ideas.